Sanità internazionale 28 Giugno 2016 12:31

United States, 15% increase in the use of Homeopathy

The use of homeopathic medicine by American citizens is increasing. This figure was revealed by a recent survey carried out by Harvard University and released by “The American Journal of Public Health”. These data show an increase of 15% compared to what emerged in the same survey in 2002 and in 2007. At that time […]

The use of homeopathic medicine by American citizens is increasing. This figure was revealed by a recent survey carried out by Harvard University and released by “The American Journal of Public Health”. These data show an increase of 15% compared to what emerged in the same survey in 2002 and in 2007. At that time it was revealed that adult United States citizens making use of homeopathic medicine were 1.7% and 1.8% respectively. People using homeopathy are currently 2.1% out of the total population. The survey refers to data collected in 2012 by the “National Health Interview Survey” concerning the use of homeopathic medicines among adult citizens in the US in relation to the use of other Integrative Complementary Medicine treatments. The analysis of this figure shows that two-thirds of people claiming to use homeopathic medicine classified it as one of their first three therapeutic choices, adding that accessing an homeopathic healthcare professional represented an important opportunity, since this kind of medicine allowed them to maintain an optimal state of health and wellbeing. Researchers underline how the difference in the perception of benefits between people consulting an homeopathic doctor and the ones using homeopathic medicines bought by themselves is dramatic. The authors explain that new surveys and data are necessary in order to understand the potential represented by homeopathic medicine and which are the benefits it can bring to public health.

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