Sanità internazionale 6 Settembre 2016 12:18

The hospitalists complain: «No one respects us»

“We are not intern”. In the United States the hospitalists have complained publically about the fact that they are not respected by colleagues and patients. The “Today’s Hospitalist” survey shows that 70% of the respondents said they felt not respected by the non-hospitalists: «In essence, we’ve become the secretaries to other services – complains Amir […]

“We are not intern”. In the United States the hospitalists have complained publically about the fact that they are not respected by colleagues and patients. The “Today’s Hospitalist” survey shows that 70% of the respondents said they felt not respected by the non-hospitalists: «In essence, we’ve become the secretaries to other services – complains Amir Emami, DO, a locum tenens hospitalist who’s working to form a hospitalist union – we’ve been relegated to doing the tests that nobody wants to do, and are having other jobs imposed upon us that are beyond our scope of practice». Moreover the hospitalist is used as link between the physician and the patient, with consequences on communication and patient’s health. John Nelson, MD, who has practiced hospitalist medicine for nearly three decades, explains the good practices to improve their situation: avoiding to adopt a victim mentality, taking ownership, practicing good citizenship, find a niche to specialize themselves, emphasize professionalism also through hospital dresses, establishing relationships with the other colleagues, being aware of their own positive and negative aspects, communicating with the other physicians about quality and patient safety. Doctor Nelson reminds that hospitalist programs are still relatively young and some physicians may hesitate to cede control of their patients to hospitalists because they don’t fully understand the potential benefits. «This is the real situation and you can’t avoid to accept that, but you can improve it».

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