Sanità internazionale 12 Settembre 2016 14:56

«Stop diagnosing Trump and Clinton’s health». But Ms. Clinton is unwell

«It’s Ethically despicable to diagnose presidential candidates or anyone else without any exam before». It has been affirmed by doctor Art Caplan from the NYU Langone Medical Center’s Division of Medical Ethics who, because of the political season, denounces physicians and psychologists who diagnose the candidates running for the next American president elections, Donald Trump […]

«It’s Ethically despicable to diagnose presidential candidates or anyone else without any exam before». It has been affirmed by doctor Art Caplan from the NYU Langone Medical Center’s Division of Medical Ethics who, because of the political season, denounces physicians and psychologists who diagnose the candidates running for the next American president elections, Donald Trump and Hilary Clinton, without any exam but just looking at instances of how they behave at distance. Donald Trump for example, has been made the object of all sorts of psychiatric and psychological diagnoses by physicians never met. Hillary Clinton has also been subject to analyses of her stamina and her neurologic conditions. But, in this case, it seems that the democratic candidate has really shown symptoms of illness during the September 11, the memory day, then confirmed by the news that two previous days her doctor diagnosed pneumonia. This is really different from making suppositions simply by observing the intermittent and incomplete behavior of a person at distance, without communicating with her or without adequate exams. «The medicine is not a kind of psychic phenomena where you can tell how ill or healthy somebody is without actually seeing them», doctor Caplan explains that this is not telemedicine, which is very useful when physicians and patients can’t move. «If you don’t like a political candidate, then go after their politics; don’t go after their health».


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