Inglese 6 Dicembre 2016

Lung cancer: women mortality increases in Europe

The lung cancer is responsible for the huge number of deaths in France. It is mostly linked to the tobacco addiction and it is the most dangerous for men and the second one for women, with respectively 21000 and 9500 deaths. However, the Eurostat highlights a fall of death rate for men and an increase […]

Inglese 29 Novembre 2016

Presidential primary in France: the health according to Fillon

François Fillon won the presidential primary of the Centre and Right wing and he is candidate to 2017 presidential elections. With 66.5 % of the votes, he won the second round against Alain Juppé. During the electoral campaign, Fillon has explained his health political plan. Fillon would like to reform the financing of the treatment […]

Inglese 22 Novembre 2016

Zika: no longer a global health emergency

«The Zika virus and related neurological complications in newborn children no longer constitute an international emergency». It has been declared by the doctor David Heymann, the president of the WHO emergency committee on Zika. Since 2015, the virus has been spread by mosquitoes and through sex in 73 countries and 23 of them have observed many […]

Inglese 15 Novembre 2016

Lung cancer, the treatment for the Americans is in Cuba

A therapeutic vaccine existing only in Cuba. It is where the retired gynecologist, Zuby Malik, decided to go to treat herself since she could not take advantage anymore of the treatments available in the US for her lung cancer. After her, other cancer patients are following the same unlikely trail, sometimes not even telling their […]

Inglese 8 Novembre 2016

Brexit: access to new medicines at risk

The United Kingdom could see patients unable to access modern medicines if the “hard Brexit” will be applied, the exit of the United Kingdom from the EU. It has been warned by the report for think tank Public Policy Projects. “Hard” Brexit could see Britain pushed to the back of the queue for new drugs because […]

Inglese 31 Ottobre 2016

Continuing medical education, in France the physician teaches…the physician

A new platform to educate and share physicians’ expertise. MedTandem has been proposed in France by Elodie Baer and Lucie Beylacq, two anesthetists from Bordeaux, and it allows doctors to meet in order to accelerate teaching and learning traditional methods, without being obliged to join educational events. The initiative, exposed for the first time in […]

Inglese 25 Ottobre 2016

American election and healthcare: Trump against Clinton, discussing about Obamacare destiny

How the election of the new President of the United States will have impact on American healthcare? Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump have made their proposals for the healthcare and both will overcome the Obamacare, the health assurance created by Barack Obama in 2010. Clinton says that she wants to expand insurance coverage while improving […]

Inglese 18 Ottobre 2016

The hospitalists on strike, after the United States it happens also in France

The hospitalists are protesting also in France. After the United States the transalpine doctors went on strike to claim protection and acknowledgments for their long working hours because the hospitals are under resourced. The doctors have stopped their work for a week, by carrying out only few programmed operations. «There is almost 30% of job vacancies […]

Inglese 11 Ottobre 2016

No study grants for doctors in training: physicians on a war footing… en France

11 months waiting for study grants but they have not arrived yet. The young doctors studying for specialisation in France could be obliged to leave their training courses. They are deceived by the authorities: “We relied on those grants in order to pay the inscription”, the doctors say.   If the grants are not given […]

Inglese 4 Ottobre 2016

Measles virus has been eliminated in America but it is necessary to continue the vaccinations

America is the first continent to have eradicated measles. It has been announced by the Pan American Health Organization, an organism linked to the World Health Organization (WHO). A massive vaccine campaign lasted 22 years has allowed the virus elimination. «It is an important historic event», as Carissa Etienne said, the director of the Pan […]

Inglese 23 Settembre 2016

Telemedicine in France, the FHF : «Practice in development but we need more funding»

Patients better diagnosed before going to the hospital and better assisted after having come back  home. The telemedicine means all this. For this reason it is developing more and more in France, after having been experimented in different ways. A few days from the presentation (23 September) of the 2017 Social Security Financing Bills by […]

Inglese 19 Settembre 2016

Burn-out, a serious problem in France: «A dangerous and underestimated illness, we need more information»

«Emotional stress and disinterest are dangerous as extra workload and they have to be officially recognised as symptoms of a real illness». Philippe Zawieja, researcher of the Research Centre of risks and crisis of the École nationale supérieure des mines of Paris,  interrogated by French deputies, explains that the burn-out, a syndrome characterized by exhaustion, […]

Inglese 12 Settembre 2016

«Stop diagnosing Trump and Clinton’s health». But Ms. Clinton is unwell

«It’s Ethically despicable to diagnose presidential candidates or anyone else without any exam before». It has been affirmed by doctor Art Caplan from the NYU Langone Medical Center’s Division of Medical Ethics who, because of the political season, denounces physicians and psychologists who diagnose the candidates running for the next American president elections, Donald Trump […]

Inglese 6 Settembre 2016

The hospitalists complain: «No one respects us»

“We are not intern”. In the United States the hospitalists have complained publically about the fact that they are not respected by colleagues and patients. The “Today’s Hospitalist” survey shows that 70% of the respondents said they felt not respected by the non-hospitalists: «In essence, we’ve become the secretaries to other services – complains Amir […]

Inglese 24 Agosto 2016

Physicians and burnout: a course to defend themselves

There’s nothing black and white in burnout, and there is no permanent solution, Dike Drummond says, a family physician and a burnout prevention American expert. Burnout is a psychological stress that affect many physicians oppressed by unbearable working hours and  by the responsibility of such a delicate work. Hundreds of physicians affected by burnout are […]

Inglese 8 Agosto 2016

Apple to encourage organ donation with an iPhone App

Donating organs, tissues and eye with a simple tap on your iPhone. It will soon be possible thanks to the collaboration between Apple and Donate Life America, a non-profit organization dedicated to educating the public and advocating for organ donation.  Following the update of the operating system to iOS 10, an option will allow Apple […]

Inglese 2 Agosto 2016

Zika still frighten: “First case of unknown transmission”

Another case of Zika infection but this time the virus has not been contracted through a mosquito bite or sexual contact. The doctors have no idea how the infected patient from Utah has contracted the virus. He helped care for an older man from Salt Lake County who had become infected with the virus after traveling […]

Inglese 19 Luglio 2016

Carbon emissions, 23 thousand people dead in a year in Europe. 1300 in the UK

The premature deaths in Europe caused by the carbon emissions amount to 22900. An unexpected figure if we consider that the road accidents cause 3 thousands more. The figure refers to the year 2013 and it is shown by the first research on cross-border effects of the pollution originated from the carbon energy production. The […]

Inglese 12 Luglio 2016

Fighting the Zika virus in the U.S. by using… bats

As there is no vaccine against the Zika Virus, new natural methods are assessed. The bats are the new welcome guests, able to devour 1000 mosquitoes per hour, that are the main cause of the spread of the virus. The town North Hempstead, New York, has decided to attract as many bats as possible in […]

Inglese 5 Luglio 2016

“Brexit”, multicultural medical équipe photo becomes viral

Few days after the referendum on GB’s permanence in EU, a picture uploaded by medical personnel of the Homerton University Hospital of London becomes viral on social media from all over the world. The photo depicts a surgical équipe composed by three Spanish nurses, a German anesthesiologist, a Greek urologist, an Irish radiology technician and […]

Inglese 28 Giugno 2016

United States, 15% increase in the use of Homeopathy

The use of homeopathic medicine by American citizens is increasing. This figure was revealed by a recent survey carried out by Harvard University and released by “The American Journal of Public Health”. These data show an increase of 15% compared to what emerged in the same survey in 2002 and in 2007. At that time […]

Inglese 22 Giugno 2016

Zika in Europe: bad news if you’re going to Spain, Italy or Greece

Southern Europe will become a ‘fertile ground’ for the virus Zika, Swedish researchers said. The research comes after a report by the World Health Organisation that warned there are already established populations of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes – which transmit the virus – thriving on island of Madeira and the Black Sea coast of Russia. To […]

Inglese 22 Giugno 2016

Lung cancer: women mortality increases in Europe

The lung cancer is responsible for the huge number of deaths in France. It is mostly linked to the tobacco addiction and it is the most dangerous for men and the second one for women, with respectively 21000 and 9500 deaths. However, the Eurostat highlights a fall of death rate for men and an increase […]

Inglese 8 Giugno 2016

Towards an “universal” vaccine against the cancer

A team of German researchers has used some nanoparticles containing RNA of tumour cells, capable to stimulate an immunity answer that tackle the tumour cells themselves, by achieving encouraging results. This progress can be a starting point for “a new class of universal applicable vaccines for the immunotherapy against the cancer”. This is the conclusion […]

Inglese 1 Giugno 2016

United States, found first bacterium immune to all antibiotics

The US health authorities are very concerned because their worst nightmare seems to be coming true. For the first time, a patient is infected with bacteria resistant to all antibiotics. The patient, a woman of 49 years coming from Pennsylvania, has fortunately recovered one of optimal health, but health authorities fear that if this resistance […]

Inglese 18 Maggio 2016

Diabetes emergency: 422 million sufferers

WHO launched a real alarm on emergency diabetes: the disease of the rich world, caused by a metabolic disorder that leads high concentration of sugars in the blood and severe complications (that sometimes end up with fatal outcomes), has now assumed the proportions of an epidemic. In its first comprehensive report on the disease WHO […]

Inglese 11 Maggio 2016

Life expectancy and prophylaxis, Italy «Cinderella of the UE»

The Osservasalute report in 2015 has revealed some surprises, some of which not positive for our country. Apart from a slight decrease in life expectancy, which fell from 80.3 for men and 85 for women in 2014 to 84.7 years for men and 80.1 for women, Italy allocates just 4.1 per cent of total health […]

Inglese 11 Maggio 2016

Young doctors in a dispute with the UK Government

Open conflict between the BMA (British Medical Association) and the British government, concerning the dispute in progress for the new young doctors contract. No mediation act have been reached between doctors’ representatives and the British Minister of Health Jeremy Hunt. The 24-hour strike called is the tip of the iceberg of an unprecedented escalation: this […]


Gioco patologico, in uno studio la strategia di “autoesclusione fisica”

Il Dipartimento di Scienze cliniche e Medicina traslazionale dell'Università Tor Vergata ha presentato una misura preventiva mirata a proteggere i giocatori a rischio di sviluppare problemi leg...

Cervello, le emozioni lo ‘accendono’ come il tatto o il movimento. Lo studio

Dagli scienziati dell'università Bicocca di Milano la prima dimostrazione della 'natura corporea' dei sentimenti, i ricercatori: "Le emozioni attivano regioni corticali che tipicamente rispondo...
Advocacy e Associazioni

Porpora trombotica trombocitopenica. ANPTT Onlus celebra la III Giornata nazionale

Evento “WeHealth” promosso in partnership con Sanofi e in collaborazione con Sics Editore per alzare l’attenzione sulla porpora trombotica trombocitopenica (TTP) e i bisogni ancora i...