Sanità 22 Novembre 2016 12:32

Zika: no longer a global health emergency

«The Zika virus and related neurological complications in newborn children no longer constitute an international emergency». It has been declared by the doctor David Heymann, the president of the WHO emergency committee on Zika. Since 2015, the virus has been spread by mosquitoes and through sex in 73 countries and 23 of them have observed many […]

«The Zika virus and related neurological complications in newborn children no longer constitute an international emergency». It has been declared by the doctor David Heymann, the president of the WHO emergency committee on Zika. Since 2015, the virus has been spread by mosquitoes and through sex in 73 countries and 23 of them have observed many cases of microcephaly and Guillain-Barré disorder. Although the virus is still a threat for public health and needs a global answer, the emergency state, declared on the 1st February 2016, has been removed. Now two anti-Zika vaccines are being evaluated according to the WHO, and the clinical tests results are being examined.

Advocacy e Associazioni

Percorso Regolatorio farmaci Aifa: i pazienti devono partecipare ai processi decisionali. Presentato il progetto InPags

Attraverso il progetto InPags, coordinato da Rarelab, discussi 5 dei possibili punti da sviluppare per definire criteri e modalità. Obiettivo colmare il gap tra Italia e altri Paesi europei in ...
Advocacy e Associazioni

Disability Card: “Una nuova frontiera europea per i diritti delle persone con disabilità”. A che punto siamo

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I migliori ospedali d’Italia? Sul podio Careggi, l’Aou Marche e l’Humanitas di Rozzano

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