Sanità 25 Ottobre 2016 13:23

American election and healthcare: Trump against Clinton, discussing about Obamacare destiny

How the election of the new President of the United States will have impact on American healthcare? Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump have made their proposals for the healthcare and both will overcome the Obamacare, the health assurance created by Barack Obama in 2010.

Clinton says that she wants to expand insurance coverage while improving Obamacare profit because it would allow to share costs among more people and increase premium rates. The democratic candidate would like to create a tax credit to offset out-of-pocket spending that exceeds 5% of income. Clinton also favors allowing Americans over 55 years of age to buy into Medicare, 10 years before the current eligibility age.


On the contrary, Trump promises to repeal the Obamacare if elected and replace it with free-market solutions for uninsured or underinsured Americans. Under his plan, health insurers could sell policies across state lines, promoting competition and individuals could open free-taxes health savings accounts. Trump also wants to replace open-ended federal contributions to state Medicaid programs with block grants designed to give states more say-so in spending the money.


According to the study released by the RAND Corporation in conjunction with the Commonwealth Fund Clinton’s plan would extend coverage to an additional 10 million people and cost the government as much as $90 billion in 2018. Under Trump’s plan, an estimated 25 million people would lose coverage while the federal government in 2018 would lose up to $40 billion.


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