Sanità 8 Agosto 2016 12:36

Apple to encourage organ donation with an iPhone App

Donating organs, tissues and eye with a simple tap on your iPhone. It will soon be possible thanks to the collaboration between Apple and Donate Life America, a non-profit organization dedicated to educating the public and advocating for organ donation.  Following the update of the operating system to iOS 10, an option will allow Apple […]

Donating organs, tissues and eye with a simple tap on your iPhone. It will soon be possible thanks to the collaboration between Apple and Donate Life America, a non-profit organization dedicated to educating the public and advocating for organ donation.  Following the update of the operating system to iOS 10, an option will allow Apple users to register quickly and easily on the National Donate Life Registry and give their consent to the donation. Users will therefore take this important decision in each moment and place even in case of emergency. At first this feature will be made available only to US users but it’s Apple’s purpose to extend it soon to the rest of the world. «On average, one person dies every hour in the United States waiting for an organ transplant, because the demand for lifesaving transplants far exceeds the available supply of organs  and one donor can save as many as eight lives – said David Fleming, President & CEO of Donate Life America – By working with Apple to bring the National Donate Life Registry to the Health app on iPhone, we’re making it easier for people to find out about organ, eye and tissue donation and quickly register. This is a huge step forward that will ultimately help save lives».

Advocacy e Associazioni

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di I.F.
Advocacy e Associazioni

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di I.F.