Sanità 5 Luglio 2016 15:30

“Brexit”, multicultural medical équipe photo becomes viral

Few days after the referendum on GB’s permanence in EU, a picture uploaded by medical personnel of the Homerton University Hospital of London becomes viral on social media from all over the world. The photo depicts a surgical équipe composed by three Spanish nurses, a German anesthesiologist, a Greek urologist, an Irish radiology technician and […]

“Brexit”, multicultural medical équipe photo becomes viral

Few days after the referendum on GB’s permanence in EU, a picture uploaded by medical personnel of the Homerton University Hospital of London becomes viral on social media from all over the world. The photo depicts a surgical équipe composed by three Spanish nurses, a German anesthesiologist, a Greek urologist, an Irish radiology technician and a Pakistan consultant. A multicultural team that works in perfect harmony at the service of British citizens. The same citizens that, mostly and by their own admission have voted for Brexit so as to stop the immigration flows. The fight against immigration has been one of the major argument on which political leaders have focused their campaign on Great Britain’s exit from the European Union.  If some English citizens consider immigration a problem, many others proved the fundamental contribution of foreign workers to the national system, in particular for what concerns the healthcare system. The NHS, in fact, hosts many professionals coming from different countries in the world. Junaid Masood, the consultant urologist in the photo, shared the picture with this caption: “We are Europe! Today we have been hard at work improving people’s lives! This is what our friends from Europe do for the NHS”.


Influenza, Lopalco (epidemiologo): “Picco atteso tra la fine di dicembre e l’inizio del nuovo anno. Vaccinarsi subito”

L'epidemiologo a Sanità Informazione: "Vaccinarsi contro influenza e Covid-19 nella stessa seduta: non ci sono controindicazioni, solo vantaggi"
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Advocacy e Associazioni

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