Sanità 19 Luglio 2016 14:40

Carbon emissions, 23 thousand people dead in a year in Europe. 1300 in the UK

The premature deaths in Europe caused by the carbon emissions amount to 22900. An unexpected figure if we consider that the road accidents cause 3 thousands more. The figure refers to the year 2013 and it is shown by the first research on cross-border effects of the pollution originated from the carbon energy production. The […]

The premature deaths in Europe caused by the carbon emissions amount to 22900. An unexpected figure if we consider that the road accidents cause 3 thousands more. The figure refers to the year 2013 and it is shown by the first research on cross-border effects of the pollution originated from the carbon energy production.

The Europe’s Dark Cloud report, published by a group of NGO and environmental organisations such as WWF, Can (Climate Action Network), Heal (Health Environment Alliance) and Sandbag, analyses the impact of many coal power plants active in EU on health. As highlighted, the pollution provoked by coal power plants is the main cause of different diseases which affect the European health systems with costs that amount to 62,3 milliards euros.

The worst coal power plants are located in Poland (4690 deaths), Germany (2490), Romania (1660), Bulgaria (1390) and UK (1350). While the Nations that are mainly affected, are Germany, Italy (1610 deaths), France (1380), Greece (1050) and Hungary (700).

Advocacy e Associazioni

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