Sanità 12 Luglio 2016 11:40

Fighting the Zika virus in the U.S. by using… bats

As there is no vaccine against the Zika Virus, new natural methods are assessed. The bats are the new welcome guests, able to devour 1000 mosquitoes per hour, that are the main cause of the spread of the virus. The town North Hempstead, New York, has decided to attract as many bats as possible in […]

As there is no vaccine against the Zika Virus, new natural methods are assessed. The bats are the new welcome guests, able to devour 1000 mosquitoes per hour, that are the main cause of the spread of the virus. The town North Hempstead, New York, has decided to attract as many bats as possible in order to combat this spread.

The bats – that are in Africa the main cause of the spread of the Ebola epidemic, will be used to kill as many mosquitoes as possible, in order to stop the diffusion of Zika virus.

As mosquito season heats up, many towns have approved the construction of boxes that function as bat houses to attract them to the area.

It is not a definitive solution, but, by waiting for new science progresses, it is an immediate and natural answer.


Influenza, Lopalco (epidemiologo): “Picco atteso tra la fine di dicembre e l’inizio del nuovo anno. Vaccinarsi subito”

L'epidemiologo a Sanità Informazione: "Vaccinarsi contro influenza e Covid-19 nella stessa seduta: non ci sono controindicazioni, solo vantaggi"
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