Sanità 2 Novembre 2015 17:20

International healthcare

The race of medical Apps

The US medical apps market literally exploded in the recent years: the ones concerning health available for the US consumers are more than 165.00, as observed in a IMS Institute for Healthcare Informatics study. 40% of them counted more than 5.000 downloads. Europe goes at the same pace, enhancing the doctor-patient communication and prevention through mobile health. In France, the Voluntis company, in partnership with Roche Diagnostics, has just developed an application to monitor progress of breast cancer therapy. The tool is based on telemedicine in order to monitor patients’ health condition, and allows to check the disease course. What about Italy? Veneto is the top region as for healthcare computerization. As a matter of fact, the SanitAp app, developed by the local health unit AULSS 16 Padova, was awarded the prize App4Cities in the recent days. It allows to receive constant information about General Practitioners, Pharmacies, Doctor on call, First Aid, as well as queue management services, medical reports download and tickets payment.

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