Sanità 22 Dicembre 2015 15:38

International healthcare

White coats geography

Doctors in Europe: who and how many are they? The Eurostat inquiry on medical profession in Europe shows some unexpected data concerning white coats’ characteristics in our continent. Just to start, the doctors operating in the EU in 2013 were about 1,7 million and most of them live right in the most populous country, Germany (327 thousands), followed at a great distance by Italy (235 thousands), France (203 thousands), Spain and United Kingdom (178 thousands). On the other hand, the country featuring more doctors per population is Greece, with 627 white coats every 100 thousand inhabitants. This figure is considerably higher than any other EU country, and followed by Lithuania (428) and Portugal (426). Italy is at the seventh place, with nearly 400 doctors per 100 thousand inhabitants, but holds the first place as for seniority: in Italy, as a matter of fact, 49% of doctors are over 55. Another interesting data is the significant difference regarding the specialists’ percentage divided by genre in the EU member states: while in Italy 60% of doctors are men, this percentage overturns in Baltic countries: in Estonia and Latvia, three quarters of white coats are instead “pink”.

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