Sanità 11 Ottobre 2016 15:33

No study grants for doctors in training: physicians on a war footing… en France

11 months waiting for study grants but they have not arrived yet. The young doctors studying for specialisation in France could be obliged to leave their training courses. They are deceived by the authorities: “We relied on those grants in order to pay the inscription”, the doctors say.   If the grants are not given […]

11 months waiting for study grants but they have not arrived yet. The young doctors studying for specialisation in France could be obliged to leave their training courses. They are deceived by the authorities: “We relied on those grants in order to pay the inscription”, the doctors say.


If the grants are not given this year, many physicians will be obliged to annul the enrollments because of the impossibility to pay. This is in contrast with the Government policy, whose purpose was to give to the country highly qualified healthcare professionals. Since the deficit of specialised doctors increases more and more, the Health Ministry had decided to give grants to physicians in order to give them the possibility to attend specialisation training: in 2014 every enrolled physician received a study grant. Aware of this possibility, the young doctors left their previous contract to start the specialisation.

Advocacy e Associazioni

Diabete: visita al fondo dell’occhio fuori dai Lea. Fand: “Si faccia un passo indietro”

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Ricetta cartacea addio: dal 1° gennaio 2025 previste solo quelle elettroniche

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di I.F.
Advocacy e Associazioni

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Obesità, una Commissione Globale propone una revisione della diagnosi: “Ecco quando l’eccesso di peso è patologia”

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di I.F.