Sanità 29 Novembre 2016 13:33

Presidential primary in France: the health according to Fillon

François Fillon won the presidential primary of the Centre and Right wing and he is candidate to 2017 presidential elections. With 66.5 % of the votes, he won the second round against Alain Juppé. During the electoral campaign, Fillon has explained his health political plan. Fillon would like to reform the financing of the treatment system to guarantee the profitability. As consequence, he wants a redefinition of the roles of public and private insurance: the CI (Critical Illness Insurance) would focus on serious or long-term illnesses and the CHI (Complementary Health Care Insurance Organizations) would finance the rest.

Regarding the professional education, the candidate wishes a telemedicine development in order to guarantee a good coordination among the healthcare professionals, a reduction of administrative tasks and payment terms.

Alain Juppé, on the contrary, in his plan aspired to reestablish the trust with the healthcare professionals, by highlighting the importance of the responsibility and the transparence. About the refund, Juppé wanted to keep the current insurance. Juppé, as well as Fillon, showed a high interest in telemedicine, research and industry.


Ricetta cartacea addio: dal 1° gennaio 2025 previste solo quelle elettroniche

Ora, salvo le eccezioni ancora consentite durante questa fase transitoria, saranno 488mila i medici e gli odontoiatri che prescriveranno le ricette in formato elettronico
di I.F.
Advocacy e Associazioni

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