Sanità 23 Settembre 2016 11:34

Telemedicine in France, the FHF : «Practice in development but we need more funding»

Patients better diagnosed before going to the hospital and better assisted after having come back  home. The telemedicine means all this. For this reason it is developing more and more in France, after having been experimented in different ways. A few days from the presentation (23 September) of the 2017 Social Security Financing Bills by the Government, the Hospital Federation of France (FHF) and the lobby of the state hospitals boost for obtaining funding and developing the use of the telemedicine.

The FHF asks that these acts of medicine effectuated at distance could be remunerated as the traditional ones. The absence of the medical expenses cover for this kind of practice represents an obstacle to its spread on the French territory. «If the medical acts effectuated at distance won’t get any financial value, the hospitals won’t have visibility to develop the telemedicine», David Gruson has affirmed, the FHF General Delegate. The first result of the experiments of assistance at distance, started in 2014, are going to be presented on 30 September by the High Authority of Health.

Advocacy e Associazioni

Disabilità, Legge 62: “Da settembre 2025 sperimentazione estesa ad altre 10 province”

Il Ministro per le Disabilità Alessandra Locatelli: “Il cambiamento è iniziato e indietro non si torna”

Farmacia dei servizi. Cossolo (Federfarma): “In due anni, con nuova convenzione, sarà realtà in ogni parte d’Italia”

All’evento “We Health”, promosso da Homnya in collaborazione con Federfarma, il bilancio degli anni di sperimentazione dei nuovi servizi
Nutri e Previeni

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