Sanità 11 Maggio 2016 15:21

Young doctors in a dispute with the UK Government

Open conflict between the BMA (British Medical Association) and the British government, concerning the dispute in progress for the new young doctors contract. No mediation act have been reached between doctors’ representatives and the British Minister of Health Jeremy Hunt. The 24-hour strike called is the tip of the iceberg of an unprecedented escalation: this […]

Open conflict between the BMA (British Medical Association) and the British government, concerning the dispute in progress for the new young doctors contract. No mediation act have been reached between doctors’ representatives and the British Minister of Health Jeremy Hunt. The 24-hour strike called is the tip of the iceberg of an unprecedented escalation: this time, in fact, doctors have not even secured the emergency coverage. An historical fact since for the first time in 40 years young doctors are locked in an increasingly fraught dispute with the NHS, but also because, according to a survey, 66% of the public supports the strike, even though it has led to 3,300 cancellations of interventions planned. The same poll, however, highlights that only 44% would be in favor of a strike that does not guarantee the emergency co. Details of the dispute concerning the working hours, the increase in the basic wage rates, labor rules, rules governing the length of shifts and the construction of a kind of independent body to enforce them. Two more legal challenges are now being planned against the government, one by the British Medical Association and another by a large group of young doctors, the concept of taxation of contract law, not those recently graduated, but those who have more than a decade of experience at the forefront.

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